Monday, January 21, 2013

Yoh Tomoe

Yoh tomoe

The Foreigner  Name : Yoh Tomoe
Zodiac : Capricorn 

Blood type : O

Birthday : Janurary 12
Height : 175 cm
Weight : 58kg
Year : 2 

True End

-*Talk with Yoh-kun
-*Talk with Yoh-kun
-*Study in the library
-*Defend Yoh
-*Rooftop garden
-*Rooftop garden
-*I want to talk about Ursa Major
-*Probably Saturn
-*I’ll take Yoh-kun along with me
-*Go to the rooftop garden
-*Say “ah~ah” to Yoh-kun
-*Go for a walk
-*Seek help from Yoh-kun
-*I’ll try to talk with Yoh-kun
-*Become surprised
-*Isn’t it obvious?
-*Thank you…I understand
-*Nod with a smile 

Kanata Nanami

Kanata Nanami

The Delinquent
Name : Kanata Nanami
Zodiac : Pisces
Blood type : B
Birthday : March 18
Height : 175 cm
Weight : 55kg
Year : 2 
=>Talk With Kanata
=>Talk with Kanata
=>Spend time relaxing in the courtyard
=>Defend Kanata
=>Rear garden
=>I want to talk about Virgo
=>Perhaps Jupiter
=>I’ll ask Kanata
=>Photograph of an astral body
=>Go to the courtyard
=>Say “ah~ah” to Kanata
=>Go to the library
=>Don’t Leave Kanata
=>Talk with Kanata
=>I’ll absolutely never forget
=>You’ve always liked me?
=>I can’t act like nothing happened
=>Are you treating me as your lover properly?

Suzuya Tohzuki

Suzuya Tohzuki 

The friendly one.
Name : Suzuya Tohzuki
Zodiac : Cancer
Blood type : A
Birthday :July 1st
Height : 179cm 
Weight : 59kg
Year : 2 

True Ending
->Talk With Suzuya
->Talk With Suzuya
->I'm hungry, so I'll go to the cafeteria
->Intervene between them
->In front of dorm
->In front of Dorms 
->I want to talk about Leo
->Maybe the moon.
->Suzuya, I guess?
->I'll go alone.
->Go to the classroom
-> Say ah~ah to Suzuya
->I can't figure out what to do
->Go get Suzuya
->Try talking with Suzuya
->Suzuya you really are kind
->I'm happy...But I don't know if this is love.
->Nod approvingly